We can Change

our brain.

The concept of Neuroplasticity is key to the type of work we do at EyeBrainFix. Designing specific protocols to activate the brain - this is the driving force behind building a better brain.

The protocols we use employ the following ‘high value’ inputs;


-Core activation




-Cognitive challenge

Each of these inputs may be selected based on the beneficial effect it has on a particular network in the brain.

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to rewire, recalibrate, and remodel itself.

Neuroplasticity is driven by providing the brain with optimal conditions, while providing timely, accurate feedback.

We can change

our brain.

It’s not static. You have the ability to shift and change your brain connections.




To understand Neuroplasticity,

we must first look at a key

concept regarding the brain.


Our amazing brains must constantly gather input. Literally hundreds of thousands of ‘bits’ of data are downloaded into the brain each and every second. Pain, temperature, muscle tension/stretch, body position relative to the environment…the list is exhaustive. Our intended action is an Input.


Next, the brain must process all of the inputs. Integrating vestibular information from the ears with visual information. Add proprioceptive information from the spine. Maybe compare this to what our intended action is, and include past experiences


Output represents our ‘Performance’ of the task at hand. That may be something physical like sinking a putt, running, or throwing a baseball. These things obviously need smooth, accurate and coordinated movements. Let’s not forget that cognition is also a type of performance, and similar rules apply. Having a good memory, good executive function, and even happiness (vs depression) all depend on smooth, accurate and coordinated movements of information in and around the brain!

Functional Neurology looks at where things break down in the Input-Process-Output

The New Paradigm of Brain Based Performance and Health; Functional Neurology. Functional neurology is a way to reprogram, recalibrate, or rewrite neural software through arranging optimal conditions, and providing timely and accurate feedback.


Contact Us

(720) 470-4046